Artur is speaking at GROCON 2019 conference about Automated Testing Artur is speaking at Grodno JS meetup about Web Accessibility Artur - white European with blue-gray eyes, brown hair and checked flannel shirt is smiling at Instinctools company office Artur is speaking at GROCON 2018 conference about ReactVR Artur at DelEx conference, Wargaming stand Artur with CTO Lition Energy - pair programming


My name is Artur Basak.

I am Software Engineer and this is my public CV.

I've been solving business and automation problems using Web Technologies for over a decade. Experienced working in both product and service software companies.

I had the honor of working with different huge corporations (top 3 business consulting firms, top 20 retail chains, SAP, Daimler, Penton, Evonik Industries), medium-sized businesses (like Florence Healthcare, NextGate, Kanda Software, Westernacher) and small promising startups (like Lition Energy, TrueImpact, Indy aka Tispr) in different domains. I have worked in various roles on projects, from Web Frontend and Fullstack Engineer to Project Manager, and Tech Lead/Team Lead.

During my career, I have worked with a wide range of libraries and frameworks - from Eclipse RCP/SWT/RAP, qooxdoo.js, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), jQuery UI/Mobile, Bootstrap and ExtJS, through Backbone.js and EmberJS to Angular, Node.js, and ReactJS. Lately, I've been trying to dive deeper into the topics of UX, Design Systems, and Web Accessibility.

Even though I am a second-generation programmer and started writing code in the fifth grade of school with Intel Pentium III and Turbo Pascal, I am still extremely passionate about how a computer and a programming language can automate processes. That's why I am still a hands-on programmer.

My career path

  • 2010 - Quality Assurance Engineer at *instinctools EE Labs
  • 2012 - Software Engineer at *instinctools EE Labs
  • 2015 - Senior Software Engineer at *instinctools EE Labs
  • 2017 - Lead Software Engineer at *instinctools EE Labs
  • 2018 - Trainer at Hi-Tech Park Belarus: IT-Academy
  • 2019 - Lead UI/Web Engineer at Indy (ex-Tispr, ex-BuddyHOPP)
  • 2021 - Software Engineering Manager at Godel Technologies
  • 2022 - Senior Software Engineer at IntexSoft

My education path

  • 2007 - Baranovichi Gymnasium - Computer Science Class
    School Programming (Pascal, Intal)
    Took part in regional and city Olympiads in Informatics
    Training Network Olympiads - Moscow (Pascal), under mentoring of Shevchenko T.G.
  • 2011 - Technological College, Educational Institution the GRSU
    Software of Information Technologies
    Programming for computer–aid design systems
  • 2015 - Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno / GRSU (incomplete)
    Mathematics and Informatics
    Information Technology Software
    Software Engineer
  • Ongoing - MOOC platforms like Coursera, edX, CodeSchool, egghead, FrontendMasters, Linkedin Learning, etc. I have a few professional certificates from W3Cx and others.

My technical path

  • School time (2003) - CLI and GUI with ASCII symbols, Turbo Pascal CRT and Graph modules
  • College time (2007) - Desktop GUI with VCL and Borland Delphi, Borland C++
  • 2010 - Desktop and Web GUIs with AWT, GWT, Eclipse SWT, RCP/RAP, JFace, qooxdoo.js
  • 2012 - Web UI with jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile and JavaServer Faces (JSF), XHTML
  • 2013 - Web UI with Sencha ExtJS, JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Documentum Webtop
  • 2014 - Web UI with Angular.js, Backbone.js, SASS/SCSS, LESS
  • 2015 - Web UI with Ember.js and Handlebars Templates, MEAN, Meteor, Bootstrap
  • 2016 - Web UI with React.js, JSX, Redux and Mobx
  • 2018 - Web UI with Next.js, Headless CMS (Wordpress, Contentful) and React VR/360
  • 2020 - Web UI with React.js, Next.js, Headless CMS (Strapi)
  • 2022 - Hybrid Mobile & PWA / Web UI with React.js, Material, Mobx, Workbox, IndexedDB
  • 2024 - Design Systems with Web Components, Lit and Tailwind CSS
  • Ongoing - JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Web API

My tools

  • My first computer: Intel Pentium III
  • My current computer: Intel Core i9
  • My favorite OS: MacOS (Unix)
  • My favorite browser: Brave (Chromium)
  • My favorite IDE: WebStorm
  • My favorite shell command: ls -la
  • My favorite paradigm: Object-Oriented [with a pinch of FP]

My articles

My speeches

My professional interests

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Web Technologies, Frontend, UI Programming, Engineering Management, Automated Testing, Graphic Design, Typography, UX and Accessibility, Immersive Web

My top of professional books

  1. The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Fred Brooks
  2. The Inmates Are Running the Asylum, Alan Cooper
  3. The Best Interface Is No Interface, Golden Krishna
  4. Don't Make Me Think, Steve Krug
  5. Test Driven Development: By Example, Kent Beck